At CloudBees DevOps World, London, Enterprise Times caught up with CloudBees co-founder and now Chief Strategy Officer, Sacha Labourey. It had been a while since we last talked so we sat him down to record this podcast. As someone with a long history of involvement in the Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) space, Labourey had some interesting things to say.

We started by asking him where we are with continuous integration. After all, it is no longer a phrase confined to developers. Labourey commented, “It’s all about automation. Developers are smart people. They don’t like to do manual work. If you can automate it out, it’s good for them, but it’s also good for the company, it’s good for everybody.”

Sacha Labourey, co-founder and Chief Strategy Office, CloudBees (Image Credit: LinkedIn)
Sacha Labourey, co-founder and Chief Strategy Office, CloudBees

Automation is a conversation that all companies are having. It could be corporate developers or citizen developers using low-code/no-code and RPA to speed up processes. Equally, it could be data scientists or anyone doing analytics who is looking to use continuous integration of data sources to improve their core data quality.

For many, the speed of CI/CD is in its use of pipelines. But that is not always enough, it also has to be about culture. DevSecOps assumes that security teams will add pipelines into the development process to improve security. It might be about testing at certain stages or controls on how code moves from concept to production. Yet recent reports show that many DevSecOps projects fail due to culture wars between developers and security. Widen that to the business, and it becomes severely disruptive.

Labourey believes that this cultural challenge is simply an issue of maturity. He points out that while we started with the creation of pipelines by developers for developers, when security got involved, it hijacked the process. It moved from something that sped up development to something that slowed developers down.

To hear what else Labourey said, listen to the podcast.

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