
Whether Ellison, or his speech writers should have modified their tone a little in the keynote is worthy of note. The timing of this announcement by SAP seems rather opportune though, but despite that this it is a big win for SAP, SAP HANA and its cloud solutions. Lloyds Register has global brand recognition and SAP will no doubt hope to leverage that in the same way that Oracle did last year. With a two year implementation one hopes that the project goes well for SAP and Lloyds Register as this is clearly a major project.

If Oracle never see SAP in cloud bids, perhaps they need to enter more bids themselves. Ellison’s comments do bring into question how much cloud business they are actually going after. Perhaps this is one reason why they opened up their partner channel to all comers in another announcement at Openworld.


  1. Structured data is the future of database industry, it allows to convert Internet into database.
    Oracle already structures data.
    1. Oracle obtains statistics on queries and data from the data itself, internally.
    3. Oracle gets 100% patterns from data.
    4. Oracle uses synonyms searching.
    5. Oracle indexes data by common dictionary.
    6. Oracle killed SQL.
    However, the structured data changes cloud forever: Oracle owns it as long as others cannot structure data.However, Larry Ellison said not a word on that. Why?
    The structured data is the revolution: no more tables, no more rows and columns, no more search on Internet, 100% privacy. Too risky to claim that Oracle owns database Industry and Internet? Is that the reason? I think – “yes”: Larry Ellison has Oracle to run.


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