Maze Image credit pixabay/daswortgewandEnterprise Times had the opportunity of talking to Craig Sullivan,Group Vice President, Product Management at NetSuite late last year.  Sullivan is the internationalisation expert within NetSuite. The conversation ranged across several issues that business face in the coming months.

He spoke about the state of eGovernment with the upcoming Making Tax Digital in the UK. NetSuite has designed its new tax engine SuiteTax from the ground up to cater for all the new and upcoming changes that different governments around the world, including the UK, are introducing. Those changes are happening in the EU, the Middle East and in the US.

Craig Sullivan, Senior VP of Enterprise and International Products for NetSuite (Source Netsuite)
Craig Sullivan, Senior VP of Enterprise and International Products for NetSuite

Governments are now starting to demand better eReporting and there is a rising trend for ethical reporting. This is something that Sullivan argues NetSuite is well placed to deliver as it has the complete overview of the whole supply chain. He argues that where corporate responsibility was once just a marketing activity it is now now far more than a branding opportunity.

Other topics covered included Brexit and the impact it will have on an ERP vendor such as NetSuite. He also covered the GDPR and the growing appetite for data protection legislation. Not just in the UK but also in other areas such as China, Brazil and Australia.

To hear what Sullivan said listen to the podcast

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