Employing and retaining the right people has never been harder. It is not just the battle to find the right people but making sure that those people fit the organisation. Even when they do seem to fit, can you be sure they are going to deliver on the role you have for them.
Enter Dr Jill Strange, Vice President of Science Applications at Infor. Strange spoke with Enterprise Times at Inforum a few weeks ago. Strange focuses on Talent Science. This is the art of building a scientific profile of each job in your company and more importantly, a profile that identifies high achievers. Using that science, potential candidates can be interviewed and hopefully employed.
This is not about creating clones. It still allows plenty of scope for innovation and disruption but in a controlled way that doesn’t affect the business. In the podcast, Strange explains how this works, what Infor does and how companies benefit from this work.
The science also works for employees. It helps identify what they are good at and how they can develop over their career. It provides a means by which a savvy employer can build a career path for an individual, helping them along that path in a way that benefits both the company and the employee.
To hear what else Strange had to say listen to the podcast.
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