There’s a shift in consumer behaviour which is likely to have a massive impact in the way retailers, brands and online merchants engage customers in the future. Brightpearl’s new report, ‘Tis the season to be Scaleable’ highlights the increasing popularity of online spending in non-traditional channels. This includes channels such as TikTok, WhatsApp, Twitch and voice commerce tools such as Alexa and Siri.
The report explores the likely impact of the change in behaviour on the Black Friday and Christmas seasons. Enterprise Times spoke to Mark Hook, Global Director of PR & Communications at Brightpearl. Mark expects this to become the ‘New normal’ for commerce. Hook provided Enterprise Times with his four tips for brands to survive and thrive in the hyper scalable era.
The report notes that half of US and UK consumers plan to shop across these non-traditional channels this holiday season. The figures are much higher for Gen Z. 70% of UK consumers and 78% of US consumers, (18- to-24-year-old), plan to shop via these channels in the holiday season.
Hyper-scalable commerce presents retailers with opportunities to connect and sell to customers across a comprehensive omnichannel environment. The holiday season is expected to be more challenging for brands faced with an increasing number of channels and platforms.
According to Mark, “If retailers or online merchants don’t change and don’t adapt. Alternatively, if they remain unaware of the wider eCommerce tailwinds taking place in the market. Then they will get left behind.”
To hear what else Hook had to say, listen to the podcast.
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