Business Tip Image by Pete Linforth from PixabayThis is the 11th in a series of business tips from industry leaders that Enterprise Times has interviewed.

In a recent interview with Gordon Stuart, CFO of Unit4, Enterprise Times asked him to share a tip for CFOs. Enterprise Times asked him how the CFO should approach digital transformation in 2021 in the office of finance

Gordon Stuart, CFO, Unit4
Gordon Stuart, CFO, Unit4

“The two things that we are trying to do is making sure that we’ve got one version of the truth in our data, and not to have parallel universes existing where you’re working off a different data set that becomes disconnected from reality. Then having gotten that one data set being able to run tools like our FP&A tool that more rapidly enable you to run and assimilate the impact of changes in assumptions and different scenarios.

“That’s the thing when I talk to other CFOs that they’re mostly trying to do. Everyone’s got over the, how to work from home, how to deal with hybrid working, etc.

“We’re starting to think about how do we build more agility into our scenario planning and forecasting. Because we don’t have one view of the future anymore. We have a number of different views on what we think might happen, and being able to flip flop between those different views and understand how, as actual results play out, which of those pathways we’re more likely to be heading down. I think it’s pretty important.”





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