All You Need to Know to about Mobile Credit Card Payments image credit pexels-karolina-grabowskaBusiness and finance are always in a state of motion. Innovations and technological advancements are always being adapted in business transactions lest the business becomes obsolete. Many consumers desire the need to make purchases and payments easily and quickly. They expect to transact in an even simpler, and safe means. Thus, many businesses are adopting mobile credit card readers to help customers make swift payments from anywhere in the world.

Simple and convenient

You have to couple your smart device, whether a mobile phone or tablet with a credit card reader add-on. You can make transactions remotely from anywhere in the world with this credit card reader. For instance, SumUp, which is a provider of these credit card readers, will help you make transactions with ease.

It’s a quite simple process, and the convenience it provides to both business and customers is unperturbed. The portability is one great advantage because the need for a bulky credit card terminal is over. Your smart device plus the add-on can do all the work.

Mobile credit card payment:  points to consider

Issues you need to consider before incorporating mobile credit card payments to your business

  • You should choose the best processor for your business. A processor for your card payments may be an optimal choice for your small business and secure transactions. They also customise their charges according to the needs of their clients.
  • Having an idea of how you will accept credit card payments will help you chart your course in the best way possible. You also get a chance to evaluate your options in terms of equipment. You can choose to accept credit cards by using an online platform, work from a checkout station in a brick-and-mortar store with a credit card Alternatively, you can opt for the mobile credit card option of using a credit card processor and a smartphone. You can also choose multiple ways of accepting these credit card payments.
  • Should you decide to go with credit card processing, having a feel about credit card processing fees and the various pricing model available is something, you would want in your arsenal. This will help you gauge and whether you are getting a good deal, or just being over charged. With SumUp payments credit card processor, for instance, these fees are set at the optimal range for your business growth.
  • Choose a total of three, or more, credit card processing. This way, you get a feel of their printing quotes. This comparison method helps you know the credit card charges that suit you well.
  • Before you agree to the terms from credit card processors, read and identify those that work for you in terms of payments. You want to get a reliable and trustworthy provider.
  • Once you decide the route you want to follow, you should apply for the credit card processing level of your choosing, and you are ready to go.

Mobile credit card processors are nothing short of a good investment.  It would be best if you were looking for the best credit card processor for your business. Go over the various pricing levels offered, charges, and the security steps in place to protect your business. The aim of incorporating credit card payments is to provide ease of payment transactions for your customers, safely and conveniently.

SumUp logoSumUp is a financial technology company that is set to become the first ever global card acceptance brand. The company enables businesses to accept card payments at the Point-of-Sale or on the go in a simple, secure and cost-effective way. SumUp is the only company to offer an end-to-end EMV card acceptance solution built on proprietary hardware and mobile apps. This unique offering enabled SumUp to rapidly expand into 16 markets, including the U.S., Brazil and Germany, making it the mPOS company with the largest global footprint. The company has gone on to develop a full suite of SDKs and APIs for third parties to integrate card payments into their mobile apps. SumUp has been backed by renowned investors, including Groupon, BBVA Ventures, Holtzbrinck Ventures and American Express. In April 2016 SumUp has merged with the mPOS company payleven to create the global leader in mobile payment.


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