Business Support solutions provider Qvantel has selected Unit4 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to support its global business growth. Headquartered in Finland, Qvantel supports customers across several continents such as Basware, Ericsson, DNA and XL Axiata. It now has offices in several countries including Finland, India, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Estonia, Columbia and the United States. It also has a presence in Singapore and Ukraine. As the company grew it needed to update its own operational solution to support the growing business. The company has approximately 1,000 employees across the world.

Kaj Wikströmm, CFO of Qvantel commented: “We were looking for an agile cloud solution that would deliver a new People Experience and intelligent insights to our teams. We want to use technology in transformative ways to help us differentiate our services, an approach very much in line with Unit4’s software development philosophy.”

Qvantel will deploy a consolidated Unit4 solution across Finance, Project Management and Resourcing in a cloud-based deployment from Unit4.

Alignment of architecture between Qvantel and Unit4

This is a meeting of companies with similar software architectures. Qvantel’s own solution leverages MicroServices, Open Apis and a virtualized infrastructure. In Unit4 it is has found a kindred spirit with its ERP underpinned by a MicroServices Architecture. While there is no mention of it within the press release, it will be interesting to see whether Qvantel creates a wider partnership to bring a complete solution to smaller telecoms companies with a combined solution. Wikströmm may mean that internally it can benefit from integrations with its own solution. However, could it also create a package that includes Unit4 as a more complete business solution in the future?

Enterprise Tims:  What does this mean

Sam Ehnholm, Country Manager Finland at Unit4 (Image Credit LinkedIn)
Sam Ehnholm, Country Manager Finland at Unit4

With its own solutions delivering elements of ERP solutions to the telecommunications industries this is also a validation of the Unit4 solution by a company that understands finance solutions well.

Sam Ehnholm, Country Manager Finland at Unit4 commented: “People’s expectations at work are changing rapidly. Organizations need technology that supports them seamlessly, with less complexity and delivering a more meaningful and inspiring experience. Modern cloud ERP is essential as organizations transform digital operations so they can respond to customer demands and deliver new services and experiences quickly, almost on-demand. We’re proud to support a forward-thinking organization like Qvantel on its growth journey.”


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