Disappear Image by Kadi from PixabayCint has announced that it will cease the GapFish brand as it looks to create a unified platform and brand in 2024. GapFish will cease to exist in April. GapFish, a Berlin-based market research company with more than 300 customers and 40 employees, will become part of Cint Deutschland GmbH. There should be no disruption for customers during the transition, according to the statement. However, for some finance teams and suppliers, there may be some transitional issues.

Swedish-based Cint acquired GapFish in 2021. Cint Deutschland GmbH does not appear to have any of the GapFish leadership. Cint announced that its CEO Giles Palmer, Group CFO Niels Boon, appointed as of March 15th 2024, and Group Product and Technology Officer (CPTO) Alesia Braga will serve as its Managing Directors.

Giles Palmer, CEO of Cint Group, said, “When we acquired GapFish three years ago, it gave us the unique advantage to enhance our services in the DACH regions as Germany is the world’s third-largest market for market research. This offering will further enhance Cint’s position as the world’s largest survey exchange for the insights sector.”

Founded in 1998, Cint is a global leader in insights gathering. Cint’s Insight Exchange is made up of over 355 million engaged respondents across more than 130 countries. The number was only 144 million when Gapfish was acquired, this number was updated following feedback from Cint))

Enterprise Times: What does this mean

GapFish has been operating as an independent company within the Cint group. This announcement may have the biggest impact on the GapFish employees. While they have been part of the Cint group for some time, will this mean a change in culture and/or processes moving forward?

Importantly for Cint it means that it will have a more unified company under a single brand worldwide. While the GapFish brand is well recognised in DACH, most customers should now be familiar with Cint. GapFish has been part of the larger brand for the last 3 years and this will give comfort that the changes should be minimal.

However, much of that transition might have been completed as the GapFish Founder, Oliver Weyergraf, left in February 2022. Frank C Schuetz still works part-time for GapFish despite moving to the US in 2019. Will that relationship also end?


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