Dr Nicole Forsgren talks about DevOpsAt the DevOps World and Jenkins World conference a few months ago, Enterprise Times was lucky enough to get a few minutes to talk with Dr Nicole Forsgren, CEO and Chief Scientist, DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA).

Forsgren, along with Jez Humble and Gene Kim conduct detailed research and assessment into the state of DevOps. They are also acknowledged experts and practitioners in the field.

At the event, Forsgren was presenting research from the 2018 Accelerate: State of DevOps Report (registration required). During our short conversation, Forsgren talked through some of the findings from the report in advance of her presentation. This is the fifth year that DORA has published its DevOps report. It focuses on what is really happening in the marketplace and what practices are driving performance.

One of the challenges of getting value out of any report is knowing how it relates to your own business. In addition to the main report, DORA delivers assessments for organisations. These are designed to allow them to know where they are, what they need to do and what the realistic benefits of DevOps are to that business.

Forsgren explains this using some of the statistics from the report. Those companies who are implementing DevOps best are up to 46 times faster when it comes to delivering stable software into production. In a world where speed is everything, this is a significant difference. DORA also uses four measures to assess DevOps. Two of these are about speed and two are about stability.

To hear what else Forsgren had to say listen to the podcast.

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