Talking with Ivanti about endpoint device protection

Matthew Walker, VP Sales, Ivanti
Matthew Walker, VP Sales, Ivanti

During the merger of Heat Software and LANDESK to form Ivanti, Enterprise Times sat down with Matthew Walker, VP Sales to talk about the challenges around endpoint device protection. In this podcast we talk about key issues such as knowing what is on your network, the use of whitelisting and creating policies that are enforceable without harming the business.

Many organisations are struggling with the explosion of endpoint devices. Many of these are not owned by the enterprise and an increasing number are not traditional IT devices. This places a lot of pressure on IT Security teams to understand what is on their network and where their risk is. Walker believes that organisations are beginning to get to grips with the problem just not as fast as they could. Technologies such as whitelisting are often derided by many in the IT Security community for being too restrictive. Walker says that it is becoming more acceptable, especially in the public sector.

Listen to what else he had to say in this podcast.



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