This is the 48th in a series of business tips from industry leaders that Enterprise Times has interviewed. Enterprise Times recently interviewed Jenny Victor, CMO of Epicor.
Victor spoke about some of the philosophy that underpins her approach to marketing. Victor recently joined Epicor and she has taken a group of skilled individuals and is forging it into a cohesive team to deliver more than the sum of its parts. She also alluded to the importance of working with teams outside of the function. ET asked her how she works with the executive team to help you get the most out of the marketing function.
Victor answers
“One, I’ve been coming up to speed and ramping and what I’ve been doing is spending a lot of time talking to the team and getting their views on what they need from marketing. It’s different with each different member of the ELT. When I work with our chief product officer, a lot of it is about how we can connect more and make sure product is getting the market input they need to better align roadmap strategy.
“I do spend a lot more time with finance, than probably a lot of other CMOs do, but that’s looking at how do we optimise the business and how do we build the business to scale. Marketing is a tip of the spear, because if we can’t build the pipeline to scale, then the rest of the business isn’t going to be able to scale.
“It’s working with the rest of the business to understand what they’re hearing in front of needs. What is PS (Professional Services) hearing from customers? How sales is interacting with customers? What support is hearing? Then how do we bring this to market in a way that we can really drive towards scale for the business?”