Matt Lock on cyber security and data managementAt Cyber Security Connect in Monaco, Enterprise Times caught up with Matt Lock, UK Technical Director at Varonis. In this short podcast he talks about the problems of excess data, the need for context, machine intelligence, data sensitivity and behavioural analytics.

One of the challenges that security teams face is the amount of data that they gather. They are overwhelmed by the quantity of it. Lock believes that the only way they can begin to be productive is to have context around the data.

Matt Lock, UK Technical Director at Varonis
Matt Lock, UK Technical Director at Varonis

The systems that organisations use also need better intelligence. This allows them to identify sensitive data and the data points that relate to it. This can help build a framework for governance. Even here, context is a critical factor.

Controlling access is also a major challenge. Organisations talk about privileged access management but ignore the issue of permissions. It is a rare organisation that regularly reviews and removes excess access permissions from staff. This is not just a problem of too much access. How do you decide if a user really should be accessing those files if you’ve given them permission to everything?

To hear what else Lock had to say listen to the podcast

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