This is the 50th in a series of business tips from industry leaders that Enterprise Times has interviewed. Enterprise Times recently spoke with Jenny Victor, CMO of Epicor. Victor spoke about some of the philosophy that underpins her approach to marketing. Victor recently joined Epicor, and she has taken a group of skilled individuals and is forging it into a cohesive team to deliver more than the sum of its parts.
This is one of your first roles as CMO. Can you give a tip to someone earlier in their career who aspires to this position?
“My main tip would be experience marketing. Don’t pigeonhole yourself; make sure you understand how the organisation works together. In that, you’re going to understand where your strengths and your weaknesses are. As I explained earlier, I had to understand that design is not my strength. I needed to figure out how to be able to support, encourage and drive design without being a designer myself.
“You want to make sure that you really explore the various marketing functions, whether you’re going to be a marketing leader or any other leader in the business. I really do think you cannot stress enough how much you need to remember to develop your people management skills or your people skills in general.
“Specific to marketing, marketing is a lot of trial and error. As a leader, you need to understand how to encourage your teams to embrace that trial support. Do it in a way that ensures you’re driving towards something, not just trying something for interest sake. Make sure you know how to encourage the trials, but putting those guardrails in place is key to long-term success. I think, trial with purpose.”