Acquia has announced a new Drupal integration with the company’s digital asset management (DAM) solution, Acquia DAM (previously Widen DAM). The new solution is aimed at speeding up time-to-market for content. Using the open-source integration, content authors can now leverage Acquia DAM embed codes and manage versioning through the Media Library in Drupal. The Drupal Media Library has been extended so users can easily find their digital assets via search, metadata, and categories. Acquia DAM makes it simpler to organise and control assets and achieve brand consistency through a centralised, cloud-based library.
Content – at the heart of digital experience
“Content is at the heart of any standout digital experience,” said Dries Buytaert, Co-Founder and CTO of Acquia. “With a variety of asset types stored across disparate systems, many content authors struggle to maintain brand consistency as they build digital properties and create campaigns. The new Acquia DAM integration with Drupal makes it easier and faster to leverage brand-approved content. As a result, content authors can focus on launching content rather than hunting down digital assets.”
Using the integration, content authors within the Drupal Media Library can directly access Acquia DAM. Authors can choose from multiple options to embed assets, including PDFs, videos, images, and more. Content authors can apply their Drupal Image Styles to images embedded from the DAM system. Acquia DAM supports SEO, responsive design, and accessibility requirements. It simplifies version control around certain assets, ensuring the latest version is used across digital properties powered by embed codes.
This integration leverages the flexibility of Drupal and allows the site builder to maintain control where desired. By hooking directly into the media entity, the integration can be leveraged via the Field Embed to respect the existing content setup.
Using the integration, organisations can stop managing terabytes of file data for Drupal sites. Also, because embed codes are used, and all files are managed and governed in the DAM system, files are not duplicated to Drupal storage. Within Acquia DAM, administrators control who has access to which assets for use in Drupal. They can also monitor asset use across the entire digital experience from within the DAM system. This enables them to understand the value of digital media used across channels and repurpose the best-performing assets.
Acquia DAM and PIM integration
Last month, Acquia and its product division Widen announced technology integrations for Acquia DAM and Acquia PIM solutions. The integration allows customers to create a more coordinated, automated content supply chain. These new integrations allow customers to sync assets and metadata across their Martech stack.
“Customers who integrate the Acquia DAM solution with other essential tools are able to realise a greater return on all of their technology investments,” said Jamie Liechty, Senior Partner Manager at Acquia. “By expanding the number of integrations, we are helping marketing, sales, and eCommerce teams use the tools of their choice. Businesses can still find what they need, coordinate workflows, and publish content from a central source.”
Acquia’s enterprise-grade DAM platform connects with a broad range of other software solutions via built-in integrations or their API, based on customer demand. Customers can take advantage of managed integrations built by Acquia or partner integrations developed and supported by select partners. Both types of integrations help teams automate their content supply chain and organise their digital assets. This makes it much simpler to maintain control over the brand and increase team productivity. In addition, these integrations make content more secure, extensible, accessible, and trackable across the brand’s digital properties.
Enterprise Times: What this means for business.
Content is king was the phrase thrown around digital marketing discussions more than a decade ago. While content remains vital, brands, vendors and analysts have come to appreciate the importance of experience during the customer journey. Acquia works with a number of ambitious brands to create digital customer experiences that matter. With open-source Drupal at its core, Acquia’s solutions help marketers, developers and IT operations teams compose and deploy digital content. Products and services that engage customers, enhance conversions and help businesses stand out.
Acquia’s enhancement of its Drupal integration accelerates time-to-market for content authors. This is expected to help brands to achieve consistency, reduce risk and increase operational efficiency. DAMs, PIMs and CMS are all key components of the technical infrastructure needed to support experience. Integrating these components makes total sense on paper. The only possible downside to the integration is the availability of clear and accurate metrics to measure content effectiveness. In addition to the ancient fear of some stakeholders of putting ‘all your eggs in one basket’ syndrome.