retail (Image credit/Pixabay)Retail and eCommerce highlights this week include: Blue Yonder acquires Yantriks to deliver superior eCommerce experiences through a reimagined customer-centric supply chain.  Unbxd collaborates with Peak Activity to offer headless commerce and Facebook acquires Giphy, the company behind many popular GIFs.

Blue Yonder Acquires Yantriks to Deliver Dynamic Commerce

Blue Yonder has acquired Yantriks, a SaaS provider of commerce and fulfilment microservices. This acquisition combines real-time transactional systems with supply chain planning, forecasting and fulfilment solutions, to support modern commerce. With this combined offering, companies can integrate all their supply chain assets to deliver a differentiated experience to their customers right at the beginning of the shopping process.

Yantriks helps retail brands unify inventory and fulfilment data into a single platform. This creates personalised digital commerce experiences that can result in higher conversion rates, lowered cart abandonment, and increased customer satisfaction.

Companies, more so than ever before, are seeking to deliver products to customers with unprecedented velocity. At promised delivery times, with optimised costs through complete plan-to-order-to-fulfilment alignment,” said Girish Rishi, chief executive officer, Blue Yonder. “The combination of Yantriks and Blue Yonder brings together end-to-end systems that begin with the start of the shoppers’ journey. It allows the entire supply chain to be organized around their preferences and choices.
Customers increasingly expect a unified experience that is no longer just about brand, product and price,” said Eugene Amigud, the founder of Yantriks. “The supply chain, its capabilities, and the ability to promise and deliver customer-facing fulfillment strategies in real-time, is the differentiator enabling B2B and B2C companies to adapt, evolve, and succeed.

Yantriks’ solutions, coupled with Blue Yonder’s Luminate Commerce solutions, can augment customers’ existing systems. The acquisition enables:

  • Real-time inventory visibility and order fulfilment
  • End-to-end supply chain visibility
  • Personalised consumer experiences

Unbxd collaborates with Peak Activity to offer headless commerce

Unbxd is partnering with Peak Activity, a technology, and marketing consultancy to provide an effective eCommerce platform for retailers. This is pertinent in today’s economy where more businesses are headed the eCommerce direction.
Unbxd is a provider of AI-based Commerce Search and Product Discovery solutions. The company expects to optimise shopping interactions that enable product discovery.

Unbxd with its AI-powered relevance, robust and reliable APIs on a cloud-based platform helps Peak Activity to enhance the on-site shopper experience and boost conversions for its customers. Unbxd adds a layer of data sciences and analytics for customers of Peak Activity to drive useful insights and make informed business decisions. PeakActivity partners with enterprises to support their digital results by creating eCommerce platforms and digital marketing experiences that help grow their business.

Facebook acquires Giphy

Facebook has acquired Giphy for $400m. Giphy is a leader in visual expression and creation. The company lets users create and share popular GIFs. These are seen by over 700 million people worldwide daily (according to Giphy’s own data).
Facebook suggested in its blog that 50% of Giphy traffic was already coming from Facebook apps, with half of it coming from Instagram. For developers, not much changes as Facebook confirmed that they can use Giphy the same way they did before the deal.

According to Facebook’s blog post, “People will still be able to upload GIFs; developers and API partners will continue to have the same access to Giphy’s APIs; and Giphy’s creative community will still be able to create great content.
Facebook says it intends to investing further in Giphy’s technology and support the relationships with content and API partners.


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