In a series of blogs Infor has unveiled the CSR initiatives it has recently undertaken across the globe.
They include the donation of more than 150 laptops to charities. The initiative began in 2017 with 50 laptops to the DOE Foundation. It has since donated more to US charities and also an orphanage in Cambodia.
More than 300 Infor employee and friends took part in a 5K run to raise money for Save the Young Heart, an organisation dedicated to fighting heart disease in young adults through a healthier lifestyle. Infor also supported the event as a gold level sponsor.
In France employees collected pairs of spectacle for the charity Lunettes Sans Frontière (LSF). LSF then distributed these around the world. To date more than 200 pairs have been donated.
In both India and Sri Lanka Infor employees hosted games days for children. In India, Care Hyderabad hosted a Infor Sports & Kids Day for Hyderabad employees and their children at the National Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management. Infor Sri Lanka hosted a Junior Inforian’s Day to support Children’s Day which aims to raise awareness on children’s rights.
Enterprise Times: What does this mean
Organisations often launch big CSR initiatives with press releases that promote organisational culture to prospective and potential employees. That Infor choose to issue a series of blogs covering the initiatives that individuals within the organisation have initiated is an even more positive move. It demonstrates that the culture of giving back pervades deeper into Infor than just the CSR team. It also shows that those efforts by individual Infor employees are recognised.