5G Accessibility Image credit pixabay/mohamed_HasanA10 Networks have published the findings of a survey into the deployment of 5G technology across the globe. Enterprise Times spoke to Gunter Reiss, Vice President of A10 Networks about the research report.

He gave three reasons why it commissioned the survey. Reiss explained the first two saying. “What are these cases for 5G and how far have they come? Its important to be a first mover.” The second was: “How important is security for them in deploying 5G?”

The third, understandably considering A10 Networks provide GI and GTP Firewalls to the market was: “For us, when are they in their planning for deployment of firewalls?”

He answers the question of why Telcos need to replace their firewalls now, rather than wait for the potential use cases to be determined. He uses the example of the top 3 Korean operators that are deploying 5G services, one is already live. The new 5G networks including the A10 Networks firewalls were tested during the Seoul Olympics last year.

Reiss also talks about Huawei and how the procurement decision in each country for the 5G infrastructure may have a huge impact on economies in the future. He explains how those decisions could help decide the future strength of industries.

He also answers the question about what Enterprise Network managers need to ask their vendors to ensure that they are ready for 5G. His answer is interesting in that it highlights that unlike 4G the Telcos are planning to deliver revenue generating services rather than just more and faster bandwidth which it, arguably, failed to monetise for 4G.

While the survey is arguable market research, it has some interesting insights in the responses and analyses. Reiss clearly hopes that this time A10 Networks are in the right place and the right time adding: “We missed the 4G timing, the 5G timing is ideal for us.”

To hear more of what Reiss had to say listen to the podcast.

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