Blockchain Catch-upThis is Charles Brett’s start-of-the-week Enterprise Times ‘blockchain catch-up’ 2022-Week 28. Necessarily it is idiosyncratic and selective.

It is not intended to be comprehensive but does seek to highlight ‘Quick Takes’ on specific developments as well interesting pieces to read, a listing of some (not all) announcements/press releases and pointers to upcoming events.

Quick Take(s) – Charles Brett’s Blockchain Catch-up 2022-Week 28

What are the four kinds of blockchains? 

Arguably there there are four main kinds of the technology used in the crypto, NFT and Web3 sectors. These include the:

  • public
  • private
  • hybrid
  • consortium.

Quick Take: This is a concise (which is unusual for the blockchain/crypto arena) description. That conciseness is worth the effort to read.

7 pieces to read – Charles Brett’s Blockchain Catch-up 2022-Week 28

Selected announcements/press releases/opinions – Charles Brett’s Blockchain Catch-up 2022-Week 28

  • Crypto, like railways, part 2: blockchain as the new internet planner (opinion)
  • The unintended—and undermanaged—consequences of blockchain and cryptocurrency (opinion)
  • Web3 is just a fresh serving of the same old crypto nonsense (opinion, behind FT paywall)
  • Axelar Network integrates with Secret Network to offer private cross-chain messaging and NFT transfers (announcement)
  • RKVST shows the future of nuclear waste tracking with Zero Trust Fabric (announcement)
  • Russia’s Sberbank executes first digital asset issue on its platform (announcement)
  • Digivault becomes first custody partner of, the first British-Isles regulated and 100% backed GBP stablecoin (announcement)
  • Teijin and Fujitsu agree to jointly develop blockchain-based commercial platform to promote sustainable use of recycled materials (announcement)
  • Middleware can fix blockchain industry’s fragmented Dapp architecture (announcement/report).

Selected events

  • Sustainable Blockchain Summit (July 22nd-23rd, 2022)
  • CordaCon 2022 (27th-28th September, 2022)
  • Bitcoin Amsterdam (12th-14th October, 2022)
  • LA Blockchain Summit 2022 (1st-3rd November, 2022)
  • Bitcoin Conference (18th-20th May, 2023).


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