Are You Following These 6 Best Practices for Data-First Manufacturing?
Are you fully leveraging the data your company generates to improve your manufacturing? Or are you letting precious insights slip away because the investment seems too high?
Today, companies wanting to stay...
AI and security: It is complicated but doesn’t need to be
AI is growing in popularity, and this trend is only set to continue. Gartner supports this, stating that approximately 80% of enterprises will have used generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) application programming...
Tax opportunities for technology businesses and why it’s important to get them right (Part...
In recent years, successive governments have introduced or improved a number of tax incentives for early stage companies looking to scale up and grow. In an increasingly competitive international market place...
Getting connected – how to consolidate your operational technology and IT security approach
Operational Technology (OT) includes all the systems and equipment involved in running manufacturing and critical infrastructure processes. Common OT applications include Industrial Control Systems (ICS) in utility providers and critical national...
Adding a human layer to data security in government organisations
Digital transformation in the UK public sector has accelerated. Essential measures implemented to control COVID-19 have disrupted analogue processes, such as sending a letter or fax. There’s no point sending a...
CX Technology: the six most important factors for post COVID Retail Recovery
As companies emerge from the biggest retail shake-up in living memory, everyone is dealing with the big questions around recovery. Businesses have tough decisions to make as to how they reboot...
Adding the human touch to content automation
Intelligent content automation platforms will harness different forms of AI to enhance the overarching enterprise narrative about an account, or other scenario, over time. Better still, it will automatically link that...
Why businesses should start to automate finance
"Automate finance: you must be joking" is a not uncommon attitude. Preserving the status quo, along with the professionalism managed by well-qualified financial professionals, seems a rational approach. In today's...
Automation in cybersecurity: overcoming barriers SEO
“Automation” has become a buzzword in cybersecurity circles. That’s not surprising in an environment where security specialists are in short supply. They are also under intense pressure to defend the business...
Understanding Active Directory – Why privileged accounts are a key target for intruders –...
Microsoft Active Directory (AD), the primary identity store used by most enterprises worldwide, has become a favourite playground for hackers. Once compromised, this central directory service gives intruders access to other...