TechnologyOne has updated the case study about West Lindsey Council it published earlier this year as the Council continues to take advantage of the software it implemented in 2022.
Emma Foy, West Lindsey District Council’s Director of Corporate Services and Section 151 Officer, explained, “After years of manually inputting data into spreadsheets and working across silos, we held our hands up and said that our longstanding finance system wasn’t very good. Our small and stretched finance team had to manually input and manipulate data to put information into reports, which took time away from providing insights needed by the organisation, decision-makers and councillors.”
With around forty-five thousand households within the community, the Council has to ensure the systems deliver value for money while mitigating any risks that arise. It was not only financial benefits that the Council sought to gain from deploying the solution. West Lindsey Council also believed that the cloud-based software would provide better cyber security, seamless updates and better accessibility for council staff and the community.
TechnologyOne delivers greater financial efficiency
When first implemented, the Council increased the efficiency of its accounting processes. It completed its 2021/22 accounts on time and was one of the few councils to meet the audit certification deadline. In subsequent years, it met the deadline earlier and was one of only three councils to submit accounts on time for the FY 2023/34 period.
The end-of-year accounting efficiency is not the only benefit that West Lindsey Council has seen. It has better control of its finances at a time when one in 5 councils is on the brink of issuing section 114 (bankruptcy) notices. According to the LGiU, half the councils could be bankrupt within five years. When only 14 councils have issued section 114 notices since the Local Government Finance Act 1988, the number has been increasing; in 2023, Nottingham, Birmingham and Woking issue notices.
Foy added, “It used to take us almost three weeks and a lot of perspiration to produce our annual budget, and there were a number of times we missed the budget deadline all together. With OneCouncil, it takes us just three days.”
…and better forecasting
TechnologyOne has helped West Lindsey Council avoid a section 114 notice with better forecasting and financial management. An example of this was when it was able to identify a £150,000 shortfall in time to remedy the situation. It reallocated money, which enabled it to meet its obligations, including Disabled Facilities Grant requirements. The amount required is increasing with the ageing population and 20.9% of the projected working-age population having a disability. The program funded by the grant is vital for community well-being.
Foy commented, “Having accurate insights into our finances is so crucial. It gives confidence public money is accounted for in an appropriate manner so members of the public, stakeholders, and other interested parties can be assured the financial position of the Council is sound and secure.”
Enterprise Times: What does this mean
West Lindsey Council launched Together24, its digital transformation program, in 2020. Now, a few years later, having implemented several solutions, including TechnologyOne, it is starting to see the benefits. While the council requirements may be more onerous than ever before, the work-life balance of employees is better. The mobile functionality of TechnologyOne also enables employees to be far more flexible about working, enabling them to provide uninterrupted operations anytime, anywhere, on any device. Ultimately, they are able to serve their community better.
TechnologyOne Executive Vice President Leo Hanna said, “West Lindsey District Council’s decision to move from its legacy software to our OneCouncil solution, showcases their commitment to embracing innovation for the benefit of their community, and we are thrilled to partner with them on their journey toward digital excellence.”