online elearning image credit pixabay/mohamed_hassanSkillsoft, a cloud-based learning management software company, has launched a new Skill Benchmark Assessment feature today, Tuesday 29 March 2022. The Skillsoft platform has over 180,000 courses, videos, books, live events and bootcamps. The corporate learning content is designed to engage and inspire workforces to develop indispensable skills. So, how does Skillsoft achieve this? Skillsoft has three systems that support learning, performance and success: Skillsoft learning content, the SumTotal suite for talent development and the Percipio immersive experience platform.

The new Skill Benchmark Assessments software is integrated with Percipio. It enables organisations to effectively evaluate employees’ skill levels. Using a criterion-based approach, skill proficiency is assessed against specific objectives defined by leading subject matter experts. This ensures learners receive relevant content such as personalised training microlearning lessons, hands-on practice labs, instructor-led training and longer-form courses.

Key features of Skill Benchmark Assessments include:

  • Skill Benchmark Dashboard: To determine where skill gaps exist across an organisation. Administrators and managers can view the scores and levels of learners and assign suitable training.
  • The assessment experience: After answering specific questions, learners are given a Benchmark score. Based on this and with Percipio’s blended learning model, they will receive personalised training recommendations.

Skillsoft Skill Benchmark Assessment

Finding out more about the Skill Benchmark Assessment

Potoula Chresomales, SVP of Product Management at Skillsoft
Potoula Chresomales, SVP of Product Management at Skillsoft

Enterprise Times questioned Potoula Chresomales, SVP of Product Management at Skillsoft about the announcement.

Why did Skillsoft add this new assessment capability feature?

“Working closely with customers who are actively upskilling and reskilling their teams has revealed the importance of quantitatively assessing the skills in their organisation. At its core, our Skill Benchmark Assessments capability is designed to help customers transform their workforce by developing skills that their company needs to compete. By helping companies upskill and reskill their employees, Skillsoft builds on its mission to help companies meet emerging needs in their marketplaces.”

What sets this apart from other learning tools?

“Skill Benchmark Assessments is unique in the marketplace. Existing solutions take a normative-based approach to assessments, comparing learners’ knowledge to the average of other unknown learners. The challenge with this approach is that the resulting average “score” may not match the required level of proficiency organisations need to be successful. For Skillsoft’s offering and each Skill Benchmark Assessment, we use questions and content created by subject-matter experts, who choose courses and questions that best represent the required learning objectives. This enables learners to demonstrate proficiency in the respective skill and does not compare scores and levels with employees from other companies, providing a much more accurate result and view into organisation-specific skill gaps.”

What does the future hold?

How will Skillsoft enhance this in the future?

“In addition to the work we have planned on our public roadmap, we will continue to expand our Skill Benchmark Assessments library over the next 12 months and beyond. We are hoping to have several hundred assessments to offer this time next year. We are also planning to help customers use assessment data in planning their learning programs by introducing more analytics and reporting about skill growth.”

Enterprise Times: What does this mean?

Learning and development has a direct impact on recruitment and staff retention. It’s essential to continuously upskill and retrain employees to ensure companies are best-placed in the dynamic and ever-changing field of business. Skillsoft understands the value of a skilled workforce. It states that their learning and development courses ‘help companies unlock the potential in their most valuable asset – their people’. Providing employees with tailored learning development training makes learning more effective, accessible and successful.


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