Kibo Commerce (Credit image/Pexels/Cup of Couple)Enterprise Times met up with Ram Venkataraman, Chief Product and Technology Officer at Kibo Commerce. The discussions flowed on the future of headless eCommerce and digital technology. Headless is the go-to-traffic developers, CIOs and CTOs are moving towards. Ram outlined his top four tips for a brand or retailer to embrace headless to accelerate innovations faster.

1. Build the right types of customer experiences

Enterprises need to focus on a healthy mix between developer freedom and marketer agility. Unfortunately, they can’t have one way or the other. An option is a monolithic approach where the marketers had a tremendous amount of flexibility and can make changes in Salesforce or Magento. It is important to find the balance between developer freedom and market agility. This is vital for a headless deployment or any kind of digital transformation in commerce to be successful.

(credit image/LinkedIn.Ram Venkataraman)
Ram Venkataraman, Chief Product and Technology Officer at Kibo Commerce

2. Personalisation is key

Personalisation is a critical component if you’re trying to build a superior customer experience from a front end eCommerce perspective. At Kibo, believe personalisation is a critical lever for any brand or retailer to be successful.

3. Going headless

The main reason why enterprises are going headless is the need to control their customer experience. Brands want to ensure a consistent customer experience across all channels. As a result, they need to select front end experience technologies that are constant across all channels. This is important, ensuring the technology stack supports the brand. e.g. The platforms can integrate point solutions, supports third-party apps or can build on mobile phone apps. Alternatively, support the retailer’s decision to go to a different web agency to build its website front end. If an enterprise doesn’t have these consistent technologies across all channels, it will have difficulty integrating its tools.

4. Data is key

Data is the name of the game. Businesses must have a strong data strategy. It’s all about the layers that must come together, particularly in the customer experience layer. If an organisation is undertaking digital transformation, it will need a data strategy to support the development of these experiences. Enterprises need a data strategy to bring data across all these channels.

Ram concludes it’s important to have a front-end strategy and to have a platform that can move in a consistent approach. Ram considers that’s those are the critical tips businesses need to think about.


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