Planview is starting to demonstrate that it has a commitment to its PSA solutions Clarizen and Changepoint. It is attending Technology & Services World (TSW) 2021 in Las Vegas next week, the main conference for TSIA. Planview is attending as one of the six Platinum sponsors alongside PSA competitors Kimble Applications. FinancialForce and Mavenlink are diamond sponsors of the event.
The company also announced that Louise K. Allen, Chief Product Officer of Planview has recently joined the TSIA partner Advisory board. Over the last few months, since the acquisition of Changepoint and Clarizen, Planview has largely been silent about its PSA solution. One possible reason was is the change of leadership at the company with Razat Gaurav appointed CEO in July. That seems now to be changing.
Allen commented, “Companies of all sizes and across industries are grappling with changing market and company dynamics. At Planview, we’ve brought together the industry’s best PSA solutions under one roof to help our customers embrace those changes and achieve their outcomes.
“Planview Clarizen and Planview Changepoint, paired with our full portfolio of solutions and capabilities in PSA, PPM, Agile Services Delivery, and beyond, ensure that we can help organizations connect their businesses from idea to impact, and from opportunity to revenue.”
Planview clearly wants to improve its brand awareness within PSA. However, it is sending mixed messages about the brands. Although oddly the Changepoint Twitter handle was closed in September the Clarizen Twitter handle is still “active”. However, its last tweet was in July. Both Clarizen and the Changepoint websites remain in place, though activity has slowed.
Enterprise Times: What does this mean
Companies across the world are transforming. The new Planview has one foot in the traditional PSA and PPM world with its acquisitions. The other is firmly in the world of Agile with Planview. Its presence at TSW is an indication that it believes it can offer a wide set of solutions for the professional services industry.
Professional Services Organisations are increasingly looking to Agile methodologies, though possibly not as fast as Planview would like. Planview is well set to meet the challenge with one of the leading Agile platforms in the market.