The Microsoft Power BI team has revealed four of the new features that will be available in the latest release of Power BI, due for general availability on July 24th.
These are just a few of the new features that users can expect. It will be interesting to see how many new announcements there are around content packs, above and beyond the Acumatica announcement this week.
Simpler access to Office 365
The Office 365 App launcher allows users to quickly switch between Power BI and other Office 365 applications. Simply clicking the app launcher and then the appropriate application icon be that Excel, Projects or Mail and the application is launched.
Power BI – Custom URL’s
Custom URL’s have been requested several times by users and the developers have listened to those please. It will become possible to create a custom link against a tile. This will allow dashboards to become far more flexible and easier to use once set up.
Power BI – Storage management
Visibility and management of the storage you are consuming in Power BI has also been improved. It is now possible to see how much of your allowance is being used. There is a new option “Manage personal storage” that also allows you to view not only the datasets you own, their size and the date they were last accessed but also those data sets that are shared with you. Should you choose to you are then able to delete any data sets no longer required.
Power BI Visual Q&A panes
Finally the natural language Q&A feature has a number of modification panes added. The visualisations pane let you decide the format in which you wish the data to be viewed, similar to Excel one can change from bar chart to line graph to pie chart with a single click.
The filter pane allows you quickly to filter the data set you have chosen to reduce or focus the visualisation. Finally the field pane allows the user to add fields into the data set being interrogated quickly, just by dragging the appropriate field to right location or merely by clicking it.